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Enrolling with HomeConnection

Families may contact or visit HomeConnection with questions about potential enrollment. The first step is an initial visit with the HomeConnection principal after filling out an interest form. Admission is dependent on successfully schooling at home (excluding  Kindergarten). There must be evidence of the ability, knowledge, and skills to successfully school at home, prior to enrollment.   

Submit an Interest Form

Steps for Students Without 90 Days of Homeschool:

  1. Complete a Declaration of Intent to Provide Home-Based Instruction.  A 90­ day period begins on the date noted on this form.  Students are not enrolled in HC during the 90 ­day period.  Families can determine if homeschooling is a good fit.  
  2. Parents must create and implement instructional plans. Ask HomeConnection’s principal or advisor for informal advice, tips, hints, and resource ideas. 
  3. Parents begin homeschooling. Parents must maintain copies of plans and dated student work samples. Parents must document all supervised instruction
  4. After 90 consecutive days of successful homeschooling, meet with the HC Principal.  Bring complete samples of your schooling – teacher planning materials and student work (especially in reading, writing, and math).
  5. If admitted; complete the steps of enrollment, below.

Steps for Students With 90 Days of HomeSchool:

  1. Enroll Online 
    1. Declaration of Intent to Provide Home-Based Instruction
    2. Out-of-district transfers must complete the Choice Transfer process.
  2. Orientation with the principal or advisor to cover the Parent Handbook & Skyward or attend the New Family Orientation Meeting that is held on the second Wednesday of every month.
  3. If necessary, withdraw from your former school
  4. Work with an advisor to complete a Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP).
  5. Enroll in HomeConnection Classes!

Reference the Parent Handbook for more information about full-time enrollment, part-time enrollment, shared enrollment, and enrollment during extended travel.